Thursday, July 26, 2018

July Program: Researching German Family History

Researching German Family History
Iveta Blahútová is a Genealogy Research Analyst at the Midwest Genealogy Center (MGC) in Independence, Missouri.  She has been interested in genealogy for many years. Beginning in 2011 Iveta has been assisting patrons of MGC with their genealogy research, especially those with a connection to Central and Eastern Europe.

She is also a moderator of the German Genealogy Discussion Group established at MGC. Her newest class is Researching Your German Ancestor (German Research A – Z). Iveta fully embraced this new direction in her career. There is always something new to learn, either by tracing her own family tree, or by exploring the resources MGC has to offer.

Coming from former Czechoslovakia, she has lived in both Slovakia and the Czech Republic. She is a graduate of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Faculty of Law. Her focus since high school years has always been history, social studies, law, history of law, old manuscript, languages, and lately etymology.

She is an active member of the Czech and Slovak Club of Greater Kansas City. In addition, she is a member of the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Her hobbies are reading, mountain hiking, and cross-country skiing.

For more information contact:

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